Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wildflowers of Ainsworth: Lance-leaved Coreopsis

Lance-leaved coreopsis blossom
(Click on images to enlarge)

Why, hello there, sunshine!

The distinguishing characteristic of this flower is the lobes at the end of each petal.

The name Coreopsis comes from Greek and means "bedbug appearance" — because supposedly the seeds of these flowers look like bedbugs.

Here are the lance-shaped leaves:

Lance-leaved Coreopsis leaves

♦    ♦    ♦

Went for a walk in a woods today. Found numerous tiny, scarlet mushrooms on the forest floor. Spent several minutes paging through my mushroom book while billions of mosquitoes attacked me. Could not identify the mushrooms. Gave up in disgust.

It will be a while before I repeat that experience.

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