Thursday, June 23, 2011

American Persimmon Blossom
(Random Pointless Photo)

American Persimmon blossom
(Click on image to enlarge)

This is a blossom on one of my American Persimmon trees. I have four such trees. I planted them 10 or 15 years ago because I had fond childhood memories of eating wild persimmons on autumn trips to visit relatives down in southern Missouri. In all those years since I planted them, they have neither bloomed nor borne fruit. A few days ago I went to look at them to figure out whether I'd need my chainsaw to take the useless things down … and found one of them in full bloom.

Now that I think about it, it may have bloomed before and I simply didn't notice it because the blossoms are so dull in color, and they hang down from the bottom of the branch under drooping leaves, like Solomon's seal blossoms. And the ants love them, too.

None of the other persimmon trees have a single blossom on them. And I'm not sure if this variety is self-fertile, so even the blooming one may not bear fruit. But they will be spared another year, anyway.

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