Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Stopping by Chester's Camp, 1929

(Click on images to enlarge)

I finally got my own Chester's Camp postcard. Trouble is, it's printed in that dot way (somebody tell me the proper term for it?) that means it doesn't scan well.

I wonder if that's John Chester in the cook's uniform; that guy looks rather proprietary. Or maybe he's the guy to the left, in shirt sleeves and tie. Anybody know what's in those bottles standing just to the right of the gas pump platform? Could that be motor oil?

From the message on the back, I gather that a pair or group of travelers driving west along the Lincoln Highway on a road trip from Ohio, apparently heading for Colorado, stopped at Chester's Camp overnight on September 9, 1929. One of them wrote the card and mailed it the next day from Joliet, Illinois.


Not easily legible; here's what I can make out:
Sept. 9th We are on our way left Adrian [Ohio?] 9:30 this morn. we are just out of Valparazo Ind. about 50 mi from Chi. tonight. expect to get an early start in morning expect Myrtie[?] is there long ago. will be if everything goes alright by Sat. [illegible signature — maybe "Em" or "Earl" or "Esme"?]
I can't decide which museum to give this to, so maybe I'll just keep it until I die and let my estate decide.

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