Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hobart Then and Now: The Old Mill

1939 and 2009

Old Mill 1939
Old Mill 2009
(Click on images to enlarge)

The top image is taken from a postcard postmarked August 4, 1939. The bottom image I shot this morning, through the fog.

Built in 1847, George Earle's gristmill was at the center of Hobart's early development. It was destroyed by fire in 1953, but remains a symbol of the town and a familiar image to Hobart residents.

Here is a Hobart Flouring Mills receipt issued to Henry Ream on September 5, 1898, when the mill was being operated by the partnership of Smith and Roper.

Smith Roper
(Click on image to enlarge)
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The fog was so heavy this morning that the spider webs on the Deep River bridge were festooned with droplets.

Spiderweb on Main Street Bridge

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