Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Farm Moving Time Again

John Kilmer had finally come home from overseas, from the army, to see again his wife — the former Hazel Price — and to see for the first time his one-year-old daughter, Juanita. By early January, the little family was together again on a farm in Iowa.

F.B. and Carrie Price, John's in-laws in Ainsworth, were making arrangements for him to earn his living much nearer their home. They rented "the George Hayward farm, on the Lincoln Highway," which, if it retained in 1920 its 1908 dimensions, was quite a spread. The plan was for John and Hazel Kilmer to begin farming that land in the spring.

G. Hayward 1908
(Click on image to enlarge)
The Hayward farm in 1908; just a stone's throw to the northeast, the land the Prices bought in 1918.

And so it was time for Charles Shults, the Hayward farm's current tenant, to move on. Which he did, eastward to what was still known as the "Springman farm," though by 1920 it may have been already owned by William Springman's son-in-law William Mankey.

Springman-Mankey 1926
The 113-acre Mankey farm as it appeared in 1926; outlined in red, the original Springman 40 acres (per the 1908 map).

♦    ♦    ♦

In other moving news, "Mrs. Gib Bullock" (the widowed Alice Estelle Markham Bullock was offering for sale her "frame barn on Center street." She didn't mention the land it stood on, so perhaps she expected the seller to pick it up and move it.

1908 Plat Map.
1920 Census.
1926 Plat Book.
♦ "Additional Local News." Hobart Gazette 2 Jan. 1920.
♦ "All kinds of Wants." Hobart Gazette 9 Jan. 1920.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Brave Sweetheart

From the Schavey envelope collection.

(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Unidentified, so I don't actually know if that's her sweetheart, or her brother or just some guy she happened to be standing next to, and I don't actually know if he's a soldier or a boy scout, or maybe a forest ranger. Or maybe it's Halloween, and they're dressing up as people from the World-War-I era.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Big Fight Over a Little Land

It was only a half acre, but someone thought it was worth fighting over.

Land dispute
(Click on image to enlarge)
From the Hobart Gazette of Jan. 2, 1920.

This excerpt from the 1926 Plat Book shows approximately where the little parcel was located (the red rectangle):

Disputed land

Well, that's right in the heart of the Ainsworth business district! Location, location, location!

The one bit of information I found surprising in this article is that there was once a schoolhouse on that land, and that it was abandoned, not moved. Actually, this is not inconsistent with the 1874 Plat Map (schoolhouse marked in red):

Schoolhouse 1874

But the little frame building generally considered Ainsworth's first school stood further west along Ainsworth Road.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

At the Beach Again

From the Schavey envelope collection.

At the Beach Again
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

No information on this one. We've seen that guy before, with his buddy. I would not have recognized his face, but his clothes are exactly the same in both pictures.

I don't recognize that lovely young woman. What a smile she has! The style of her clothing looks like perhaps very early 1920s, or late 1910s.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

William Wood Sells the Store

After 35 years, the general store in Deep River is changing hands.

Wood-Baker store sale
(Click on images to enlarge)

We've encountered the seller, William H. Wood, before — most notably when he caught a rather silly young man who robbed the store — but the buyer, William E. Baker, has mostly eluded my attention thus far.

I think he was the son of George and Harriet Baker, who farmed just over the Porter County line on the Joliet road, and were part of Deep River's social life. If so, then William was born in 1884, the same year the Bakers came to this country from England. At the age of 28 he had married an 18-year-old woman named Sadie (maiden name unknown). By the time they became store-owners, they had two young children, Wilma and Everett.

I came across a notice in December 1919 where our William Baker appears to be selling off his farming stock in expectation of his career change:

Baker farm sale notice

Per the 1891 Plat Book, the Levi Diddie farm was a 24-acre parcel in northern Winfield Township.

1900 Census.
1930 Census.
♦ "Deepriver Store Sold." Hobart Gazette 2 Jan. 1920.
♦ "Public Sale." Hobart News 4 Dec. 1919.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Picnic at the Beach

From the Schavey envelope collection.

Picnic at the Beach
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Handwritten on the back of this charming scene is this confusing identification:
far left
Mable Schavey 1920(?)
Now, if this really is 1920, Mable Schavey is on the far right. But I'm not entirely sure this is 1920 — those dresses, with their dropped waists, flat lines and high hems, look more like the mid-1920s (by which time Mable would have been a Breyfogle). But then again, for a family day at the beach, people wouldn't be too awfully concerned about how fashionable or correct their attire was.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Merry and Not-So-Merry

The first newspapers of the new year reported on how the holidays had gone for some of our friends.

For George and Mabel Sauter, who had not yet celebrated their first wedding anniversary, Christmas Day was … well, stressful, I suppose, but ultimately joyful — for unto them a child was born, unto them a son was given; and his name would be called George Jr.

The same day, the Grinch paid a visit to Charles Chester's farm:

Chester: $50 reward

♦    ♦    ♦

On a farm in southern Ross Township, the new year came in miserably for Richard and Pearl Doepping — their four-year-old son sick with scarlet fever, their home under quarantine.

Doepping: scarlet fever
(Click on image to enlarge)

1920 Census.
1930 Census.
♦ "$50 Reward." Hobart Gazette 2 Jan. 1920.
♦ "Births." Hobart News 1 Jan. 1920.
♦ "South of Deepriver." Hobart News 1 Jan. 1920.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bromance at the Beach

From the Schavey envelope collection.

Bromance at the Beach
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

I think the guy at right may be the same one as in the previous picture, but the guy at left is different. So Mr. Affectionate there had more than one best buddy, or brother, or whatever.

They appear to be among the sand dunes near Lake Michigan. Can you image wearing all those clothes to the beach — getting sand in all the pockets of your suit, and the folds of your shirt and the knot of your tie, and down your high lace-up shoes?

No ID or date. I'm guessing circa 1920s.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Again with the Woodchucks!

As town and country celebrated the Christmas of 1919, John Dorman and his woodchuck meteorology were again making news.

J. Dorman v. woodchuck
(Click on images to enlarge)
From the Hobart News of Dec. 25, 1919.

J. Dorman v. woodchuck
From the Hobart Gazette of Dec. 26, 1919.

The Dec. 25 News, above, included a little advertisement of the Mackey medical practice, of the kind that had appeared in both local papers many times over the years — unchanged, still, as if the elder Dr. Mackey had not passed on. I suppose amidst all the stress of grief and the work of taking over the whole practice himself, the young Dr. Mackey had overlooked this small matter … or maybe he just couldn't bring himself to make that final change.

Monday, October 22, 2012


From the Schavey envelope collection.

Here, let's just put that back on the track.

Train wreck
(Click on images to enlarge)
Images courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Train wreck

No ID on these; more's the pity.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Get Your House Number from Billy Krull

This page of the Hobart Gazette from December 26, 1919, which carried the Aley-Strong wedding announcement, also had some other tidbits I found interesting.

House numbers et al.
(Click on image to enlarge)

Not visible in this image is another article entitled, "Houses Should Now Be Numbered," explaining that "Engineer Krull" had been commissioned (by whom, I don't know) two years previously to draw up plans for street numbering in Hobart, in anticipation of free mail delivery. "Get busy and number your houses and business place," urged the Gazette, and as we see above, the streetcar office was the first to heed the call. (This Engineer Billy Krull was, I believe, 28-year-old William Krull, who, when last seen, was dancing with Myrtle Wild. The 1920 Census shows Billy and Myrtle, now married, with an infant son.)

In other news, Calvin C. Shearer and John Killigrew are becoming more prominent. And from the heights of his estate on Indian Ridge, John Dorman is selling a "good as new" base burner. I did not even know what a base burner was, so I had to go looking on the internet; I found out that it's an elegant, parlor-type heating stove with some minor cooking capacity, and apparently you can buy an antique one today if you've got a lot of money.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Raschka's Store

The Chester descendant who provided yesterday's images of the Chester house is also a Raschka descendant, and now we are indebted to him for another view of the Ainsworth general store:

Raschka's store
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of Bruce McLain.

We have no ID on any of these people, nor any date for the photo. The best I can do is to date it between October 1905 (when the west side addition was completed, assuming I'm correct that we can see that addition here on the right side of the store) and the spring of 1915, when the Raschkas sold the store to the Goldmans. At any rate, it can't be earlier than 1904; that was when the store became Ainsworth's post office.

From the leaves on the trees and the shirtsleeves on the men, I suppose it's a mild season, though that little girl wears a coat. The sun is low in the west. Somebody's dog on the sidewalk, somebody's horse at the hitching post.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Ainsworth Then and Now: The Chester House

Through the kindness of a Chester descendant, I have finally seen the Chester house in all its glory!

Pre-1910, post-1910 and 2012 [4/19/2021 update: and 2021]:
Chester house now
2021-04-19. Chester house - April 2021
(Click on images to enlarge)
First two images courtesy of Bruce McLain.

It was not so much a house as a mansion. When I first saw these images, I thought my pet theory had been shot down, as I couldn't reconcile that huge, beautiful house with the present-day structure at 7302 Ainsworth Road, which is large but (pardon me) looks tired and discouraged. However, now that I've calmed down and taken a closer look, I'm seeing a lot of similarities.

The east side lost its attic and its bay windows; the west side gained bay windows, while the small windows above the front porch were bricked over. Both porches, front and back, have been enclosed. It was difficult for me to duplicate the older photographs, because the original photographers did not have to deal with so many trees around the house. (Also, my camera just operates differently.) But all in all … I think I can keep my pet theory.

The two older photos are not dated, nor are the people in them identified — except for the man at right in the first one, who is Henry Chester himself. Thus the photo must have been taken before April 1910. From what little I can see of the women's fashions, my uneducated guess is perhaps the 1890s.

The second photo is later, when Charles and Constance Chester and their family occupied the house. You can see that the house has already been remodeled slightly. Again, my rough guess at a date, taking into account what I can see of the women's fashions, is perhaps between 1910 and 1920.

I wonder what the structure behind the house in the first photo was. You can barely see it, but it's got a chimney and a pitched roof; the lower windows are boarded up and the upper window appears to have multiple small panes. I imagine that it was the original frame or log house built by Henry's father, Charles. The brick house came later, when the family prospered. And once the brick house was up, the log house could be used for the chickens, or for storage. All of this is just my baseless speculation, of course! Whatever that building was, it had been taken down by the time of the second photo.

Reader, don't you just want to step into either of those old photos, and walk through the front door, and wander around the house to see the parlor, the kitchen, the bedrooms, and all the nooks and crannies?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

August 3, 1919, Part 3

Back in the old days, before all this Google map stuff, if we wanted a bird's-eye view we had to climb the windmill to get it, by golly!

August 3, 1919, Part 3
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

From the looks of that sagging beam, these guys wanted a bird's-eye view pretty often.

Unidentified, but the two guys in the center look like the ones who had their arms around the two young women in Part 2.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Strong Marriage

Aley-Strong wedding
(Click on images to enlarge)

This happy announcement reminded me that I had not yet mentioned the Strong family. Worse than that, I hadn't even done any research on them, though the name comes up pretty often in the social columns, and I'd gotten the impression that they'd been around here forever.

Which a little research confirms, if by "forever" you mean "since 1850," as that's the earliest I can find this branch of the Strong family in Ross Township — this branch consisting of Asa and Frances Strong and their descendants, one of whom was Thomas Strong, the father of Lulu. Thomas wasn't actually here in 1850, since he wasn't born until 1854.

Here is their farm in 1874:

Strong farm 1874

(Folks, I just recently realized I've been mislabeling present-day U.S. 30 on a lot of my maps, so I only hope this is right.)

In 1842, Asa Strong married Frances Watts in Lake County. They had four children, Thomas being the youngest. At the age of 23, Thomas married the 19-year-old Phoebe Hollister in Porter County. They had five children, of whom three survived to adulthood: Arthur, Verna and Lulu.

Sometime between 1900 and 1910, Thomas and Phoebe moved with their daughters to Hobart. Thomas worked as a carpenter while they rented out their farm (to, I believe, Reinhart Doepping). In 1910, their daughter, Verna, married Melvin Guernsey. That autumn, both Verna and her brother Arthur — who had married in 1900 — returned with their spouses to southern Ross Township and the farming life, and the young Strong and Guernsey families became familiar figures in Ainsworth/Deep River social news. Lulu stayed in Hobart with her parents, working at the Thompson store and falling in love.

I don't know much about the groom's family — they don't seem to have lived in this area before 1910. David Aley was a carpenter, his wife Callie a homemaker; David's widowed mother lived with them. John was their only child.

The young couple may indeed have been building their own house, but for the present they would live with John's parents, Lulu staying at home with the mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law (God help them all) while John worked at a steel mill.

1850 Census.
1874 Plat Map.
1900 Census.
1910 Census.
1920 Census.
♦ "Aley-Strong." Hobart Gazette 26 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Aley-Strong." Hobart News 25 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Finds Gas." Hobart Gazette 12 Apr. 1912.
Indiana Marriage Collection.
♦ "Local Drifts." Hobart Gazette 19 Aug. 1910; 30 Sept. 1910.
♦ "Personal and Local Mention." Hobart News 9 Apr. 1913.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We Run This Train

From the Schavey envelope collection.

Baltimore and Ohio
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

These guys look pretty proud of that train of theirs, but with no notes written on this one, I have no clue who they are, and I don't know enough about locomotive history to even try to date this one. Maybe one of those railroad experts will happen by here and help me out. I'm sure there are people out there who could take one look at that picture and say, "Good old unit 498! It was built at [city] in [year] and was in service for [number] years …."

All I know about the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is that it passed through Gary on the way to Chicago. The caboose appears to be marked Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Co.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Community Christmas

Community Christmas
(Click on image to enlarge)
From the Hobart Gazette of Dec. 19, 1919.

Community dance, community Christmas tree, all at Community Hall. Sounds nice. And there's Carrie Chester Raschka being all prominent in the community.

And Lee & Rhodes running their usual plumbing ad on the front page, in spite of their having recently branched out, it seems, into the installation of residential electricity plants.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


From the Schavey envelope collection.

Bromance 1
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

No helpful notes written on the back of this photo, so we don't know the identity of these best buddies, or brothers, or cousins, whatever they are. And the focus is so bad that I hesitate even to guess at the setting.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Race Car Driver Settles Down

Last we heard of Clifford Blachly, he was speeding around a track in Valpo, winning an auto race. Now, at the tender age of 20, he is settling down.

Clifford Blachly/Mary Heiney
(Click on image to enlarge)
From the Hobart News of 11 Dec. 1919.

The 1920 Census would show him living in Gary with his wife — who would that year give birth to their first child — and his parents, and working as a foreman in a steel mill. Sounds very responsible. I don't know if we'll hear any more of his racing cars, but in by the 1930 Census he had found a way to combine his love of cars with responsible wage-earning: he was a steel-mill chauffeur.

… Also, Eugene and Carrie Chandler are so excited about moving to their very own farm that they can't wait for all those fine buildings to be finished.

♦    ♦    ♦

As we continue following the unusual career of Ellsworth Humes, we find this in the "Local and Personal" column of the Hobart News of December 18, 1919: "Ellsworth Humes left last week to become advance advertising man for Harvey's Greater Minstrels. The show is now eastward bound, and will later go to the Pacific coast."

It's difficult to find any information about Harvey's Greater Minstrels. Here is a brief summary.

A minstrel show was something of an anachronism in 1919, as such entertainments had, since the turn of the century, been giving way to vaudeville and stage musicals, and now the movies were taking over the entertainment world.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Charioteer

From the Schavey envelope collection.

The Charioteer
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

I don't know who he is, but he looks like he means business.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Sale of Kulage Brick Works"

A couple of mildly interesting items. Only mildly.

(Click on images to enlarge)

First we get a little Crisman genealogy — so this Thomas Crisman was the brother of the John Crisman whose house I just missed photographing.

And then we see the Kulage brickyard changing ownership, though not name. An earlier report by the Gazette said that the new owner(s) had incorporated the Kulage Clay Product Co. to run the business.

The Gazette commented on Andrew Melin's service to the brickyard over the course of his 33 years there so far. His position as superintendent involved much responsibility, including detailed record- and bookkeeping. He was accustomed to get up at 4:30 a.m. to be on the job bright and early, and after a full day often worked into the evening as well. So the change of ownership and the expected shifting of some duties came as something of a relief to Andrew and his family.

Also, Hobart needs a new substitute mail carrier.

Local and Personal - sub. mail carrier

♦ "Death of an Old Citizen." Hobart Gazette 12 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Kulage Brick Yard Sold." Hobart Gazette 5 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Local and Personal." Hobart News 18 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Local Drifts." Hobart Gazette 19 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Sale of Kulage Brick Works Completed Monday." Hobart News 11 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Thomas Crisman Passes Away Following Operation." Hobart News 11 Dec. 1919.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gimme a Beer, I've Had a Rough Day

From the Schavey envelope collection.

Kenny Breyfogle 1931
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Per handwritten notes on the back: "Kenny Breyfogle in stroller 1931." Little Kenny there looks as if he's bellying up to the bar, signaling to the bartender for a drink.

However, I'm not sure that's actually Kenny; or if it is, then the year is probably not 1931. Kenneth was born to Harry and Mable Breyfogle in November 1924, which would make him about 6 years old in 1931. But they had another son, Dwayne, born September 1930 — a more likely candidate to be in a stroller in 1931. So maybe that's Kenny in 1925, or Dwayne in 1931.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cutting the Midnight Hair

Deep in the cold silent darkness of Hobart, in the autumn of 1919 and the winter of your soul, you reach that point where only a shave and a haircut can restore your will to live. Where can you go? To whom can you turn?

To pretty well any of the local barbers, apparently. Just rouse them out of bed and they will take care of you in their sanitary, up-to-date barbershop whenever you like.
The Hobart barbers have done away with closing hours, and are now working whenever and as long as customers wish work done. Lawrence Niksch is again working all alone, his barber having gone to the steel mills where he can make more money. E.E. McAdams is helping Otto Sizelove at the former Wilder shop, and O.C. Mize is all alone. Since Mr. Brown left about a month ago Mr. Mize has added some new fixtures to his place and now has one of the most sanitary and up-to-date shops in the Calumet region.
Which is great for the hairy men of Hobart, but a hard life for barbers.

♦    ♦    ♦

A happier announcement moves me to say a few words about James and Rosa Frame …

James Frame 50th birthday
(Click on images to enlarge)

… who, if they really had wanted to be mentioned in this blog, should have been less orderly and law-abiding. However, they had the foresight to suffer some misfortune, in the form of Rosa's serious illness early on in their marriage — but I'm getting ahead of myself.

James was born in November 1870, Rosa Stegmeier in July 1874; both in Indiana, and Rosa probably on the land where she and her husband would be farming in 1926:

Frame 1926

They married in 1898.

We first hear of Rosa's illness in early September 1904, when she was "reported very low," which in the idiom of the time meant seriously ill. Two weeks later she was in the "Logansport asylum," i.e., Longcliff Hospital — but the "very low" suggests it was her physical, not mental, health at issue, so I'm guessing she had tuberculosis.

Unlike so many of the tuberculosis cases we've encountered so far, Rosa's had a happy ending: she recovered. The 1910 census found her back home, the mother of a two-year-old boy, Irvin (though she had borne and lost another child at some point). In 1915 she gave birth to a daughter, Allene or Aline (who eventually became a teacher at the W.G. Haan school).

Those were the high, or low, points of the Frames' life so far. Other than that, they quietly went about farming and socializing, and obviously had plenty of friends to celebrate James' birthday in 1919.

I don't understand how his 50th birthday could fall in 1919, when he himself told the 1900 census-taker that he was born in November 1870, but that may be a mistake on the part of the News. And anyway, when 35 friends turn up at your door to celebrate your birthday, you don't fuss about the details.

1874 Plat Map.
1900 Census.
1910 Census.
1920 Census.
1926 Plat Book.
♦ "Ainsworth Pick-Ups." Hobart Gazette 9 Sept. 1904; 23 Sept. 1904.
♦ "Local and Personal." Hobart News 4 Dec. 1919.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Harry and Mable and
Who's-It and What's-His-Name

From the Schavey envelope collection.

Harry and Mable Breyfogle 1923
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Handwritten notes on the back: "Harry & Mable Breyfogle (left) 1923(?)" Well of course! — I'd recognize them anywhere! What I'm wondering is who those two on the right are. Could that be Flower Girl and Hat Guy? Maybe if the photographer had managed to focus the camera, I might be willing to stick my neck out and say yes.

Anyway, that's a pretty dress Who's-It has on.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Charles Chester Buys a Farm

The "Local Drifts" column of the Hobart Gazette of Nov. 28, 1919, brings us to the reason why the Ainsworth cemetery came to be known as Chester Cemetery.

Chester farm purchase
(Click on images to enlarge)

From the 1926 Plat Book.

There are a few other items about people we know — or don't know, in the case of the mysterious "Jolly Four" who are keeping Ainsworth entertained; but at last Carl Boldt is home from the army, and Lesta Raschka is hosting a shower for Bricky's fiancée.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

August 3, 1919, Part 2

From the Schavey envelope collection.

August 3 1919 part 2
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Another photo from that memorable day in the barnyard (if it was the barnyard).

No identifying notes on this one, but I believe the young woman seated at right is Mable Schavey … however, that guy with his arms around her doesn't look like Harry Breyfogle, does he? Maybe he's one of her brothers.

I think the little kid at right in the foreground is wearing the cap Mable was wearing in the other August 3rd picture.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Robby 1
(Click on images to enlarge)

This is Robby. He is about two years old, by the vet's estimation. Like Maya, he came from the Humane Society of Hobart. I just couldn't stand living in a house with no dog. Too quiet! Nobody underfoot, nobody needing attention (cats don't need much attention).

Robby 2

Robby is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you know what I mean, and he sheds more than any dog I ever saw, and he doesn't have any manners … but he has a sweet disposition, he's playful and I think he's teachable.

I am trying to get in gear to start posting again, but at the moment this dog has me worn out.

Robby 3
He looks like a little angel! … Don't let looks fool you.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Maya, 1999-2012


Rest in peace, old lady.

I am taking a little break from blogging. Back in a few days.

The Death of Dr. Richard C. Mackey

Dr Richard Mackey (undated)
This undated photo shows Dr. R.C. Mackey in later years.
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

As the summer of 1919 gave way to fall, Dr. Richard Mackey was past his 67th birthday and feeling his age. The autumn and winter of 1918-1919 had been exhausting: his son, Dr. Dwight, away with the army and the full weight of their joint practice on his shoulders when the Spanish flu epidemic kept him, like all the town's doctors, "on the go night and day." Stress and overwork had shaken his health.

But even after his son's return, Dr. Richard continued to practice medicine as much as he could. He had made several house calls on Friday, October 31, and was in his office on Saturday when he seemed to suffer a mild stroke. He went home, got some rest, and during the daylight hours on Sunday he was up and about the house, but that night he took a turn for the worse. By the next day he was unconscious in his bed.

And so he remained. At moments here and there he seemed to recognize his surroundings, and the family took courage. Those moments passed, and days went by with the doctor unable to take any substantial nourishment. But still he clung to life, all through the month of November. It was not until the morning of December 1, about an hour after sunrise, that he quietly passed into death.

We will let the Gazette sum up his life:

Dr. R.C. Mackey obituary
(Click on image to enlarge)

So if the 1890 census had not been lost, it would have shown Dr. Richard and Ruth Mackey living in the village of Deep River. I do not know where their little son Robert is buried.

In fact I had a difficult time finding Dr. Richard's grave marker, in spite of every indication that it should be in Crown Hill Cemetery. I finally found it by poking a stick into the ground approximately where the Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society said it would be — and there it was, under a solid inch of soil. I have excavated it as well as I could with my bare hands. Maybe one of these days I will take some tools there and try to do better.

Mackey, R.C.
(Click on image to enlarge)

♦ "Dr. R.C. Mackey Passes Away." Hobart Gazette 5 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Dr. R.C. Mackey Suffers Stroke of Paralysis." Hobart News 6 Nov. 1919.
♦ "Local and Personal." Hobart News 13 Nov. 1919; 27 Nov. 1919.
♦ "Local Drifts." Hobart Gazette 7 Nov. 1919; 14 Nov. 1919; 21 Nov. 1919; 28 Nov. 1919; 5 Dec. 1919.
♦ "Two Hobart Citizens Pass Away the Past Week." Hobart News 4 Dec. 1919.