Monday, May 21, 2012

Wildflowers of Ainsworth: Motherwort

These pretty little blossoms are Motherwort, a member of the Mint family.

Motherwort blossoms
(Click on images to enlarge)

As we know, "wort" is just an old word meaning plant or herb; but why "mother"? Some online sources suggests that's in tribute to this plant's traditional use in treating problems with the female reproductive system.

I took several photos of the whole plant, but somehow managed to mess them all up. Here's the least messed-up one:

Motherwort plant

This specimen was about 18" tall. Found in Deep River County Park. Who knew I would find so many new wildflowers even though Maya can't go for long walks anymore? Maybe because she walks more slowly, I see more things along the way.

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