Friday, March 19, 2010

Garbage Dumps of Ainsworth: The Apogee

Long ago I promised to show you the best the Ainsworth has to offer in the way of garbage dumps, and now that the vegetation has died back, the snows melted and the floods receded, I can keep my promise.

Reader, do you want cheap 1960s furniture left to rot in the weather? rusted-out household appliances? yard tools with essential parts missing? broken bottles that wouldn't have any value even if they were intact? — then Ainsworth is your place: specifically, the west bank of the Deep River just north of Ainsworth Road.

Come in, and take a chair, won't you?

Rusy chair with no seat
(Click on images to enlarge)

Would you like a Pepsi?

Pepsi cans minus pull tabs

…or something stronger, perhaps?


No? All right. Here's the difficult part. We have to climb down this bank to the Deep River bottomlands. It's a bit steep.

Here we are. Not too tired, are you? Ha ha.


If you don't like that one, there's plenty more.

Oh, look at this! Why'd they throw away this perfectly good washing machine? All it needs is a little WD-40!


Not sure what that thing is. Might be a washing machine dating back to before WD-40 was invented.


Not sure what this was, either, but it sure holds a lot of junk now.


I wonder if the guy who lost this boot was married to the Size 8 lady?


This lawn mower has mowed its last lawn . . .


. . . and this wheelbarrow has barrowed its last . . . um, something.


Oh, this takes me back. In my day, you see, we didn't have all this fancy "recycling" stuff. We walked around on broken bottles all the time, and we never complained!


You young kids today, you just don't know.

Well, I may be a dinosaur, but I still have a spring in my step.


But now it's time to say goodbye to all our trashy friends.


Don't worry, they'll still be here a hundred years from now.

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