Friday, July 22, 2016

The Lincoln Farm Again!

In the "All kinds of Wants" column of the Hobart Gazette of September 29, 1922, I came across this item:
FOR RENT — Farm, from March 1st, in East Gary, known as the Lincoln farm. Inquire of owner, John Keller, 2521 So. Lawndale avenue, Chicago.
The location of the Lincoln farm had eluded me thus far, but perhaps now we can pin it down. Here is the Keller farm as it appears on the 1908 Plat Map:

2016-7-22. Keller 1908
(Click on image to enlarge)

I'm not sure the he owned all the way up to where Old Hobart Road meets S.R. 51, which is why I drew the lines lightly there. The 1926 Plat Book shows the same ownership. All my other plat maps show different ownership, but not one shows anybody named Lincoln owning that farm. Which wasn't much of a farm if the land was as swampy and uneven then as it is now. But anyway, this would seem to be the farm owned by John Keller in 1922, and if he says it is known as the Lincoln farm, I'm in no position to dispute that. shows a John Keller, 1864 – 1951, buried in Evergreen Memorial Park in Hobart, but I don't know if this is our man.

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