Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Invalid

Like Charles Maybaum, an invalid who survived his mother less than a year, August Schultz, Jr. followed his father to the grave — but even more quickly, and at a younger age.

I have only this brief, confusing death notice to go by, which suggests that in spite of being an invalid August Jr. was not in the family home when he died.

A. Schultz, Jr. death notice
From the Hobart Gazette of 7 Nov. 1919.

Wherever he may have died, we know where he is now: beside his father in Mosier Cemetery, and but for the dates of birth you might think the two stones marked one grave.

Schultz, August Jr.
(Click on images to enlarge)
Schultz, August Sr.

♦    ♦    ♦

On a less depressing note, here's a story about Marshal Fred Rose, Sr., and a woman who was ready to kill for her sewing machine.

F. Rose v. sewing machine
(Click on image to enlarge)
From the Hobart Gazette of 7 Nov. 1919.

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