Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Brief History of Three Acres, More or Less

Outline of Title History

This list was compiled by the Chicago Title person doing the search, and I added some details as I typed it up.

I have copies of the documents themselves only from the 1977 warranty deed back to Henry Chester’s 1909 deed to his wife and children. That’s where we decided to stop getting copies because of expenses. If I’m ever so inclined, I can try getting copies of the earlier deeds from the Lake County Recorder of Deeds.

So my little 3-acre parcel came out of the 70-acre parcel in 1921, when Carrie and William Raschka transferred it to George Bodamer. If the barn was in fact built in 1923, then the land was George Bodamer’s at the time. If the house was in fact built in 1937, that was during the first ownership by Hubert (Sr.) and Delilia Lines.

I'm not entirely sure that Theodore Holgebein and Theodore Kagebein weren't one person with bad handwriting.

But my goodness, all these people transferred land as if that were their only source of entertainment.

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