Thursday, June 30, 2016

Glen Nelson Quits Farming

Though Ross Township would pay him to haul pupils to the W.G. Haan School, Glen Nelson had to buy his own bus. The item doesn't tell us whether the bus was horse-drawn or motorized.

2016-6-30. Glen Nelson bus
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News 24 Aug. 1922.

A couple of showers for our friend, Mabel Schavey, soon to be Mabel Breyfogle, one at the home of Uncle Henry and Aunt Christine Springman of Hobart. As you may remember, Mabel's mother, Frances, had been born a Springman.

(And we all know where to go to locate Walter Miscevich's Sunnyside Addition, don't we?)

A week later, Glen Nelson announced the planned sale of all his many accoutrements of the farming life:

2016-6-30. Glen Nelson sale
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News 31 Aug. 1922.

To find the "old Wm. Burkely farm," let us look at the 1908 Plat Map:

2016-6-30. Burkley 1908
(Click on image to enlarge)

That land is still ascribed to William Burkley in the 1926 Plat Book, so Glen apparently was farming a nice parcel of nearly 160 acres. I believe that land would have been on a Crown Point rural delivery route, which may explain the reference in October 1921 to the Nelsons and Crown Point.

On the 1874 Plat Map, we find some land in that area owned by "G. Burkle," which I believe to be Gottlieb Bürkle, William's father. At some point the surname got Americanized.

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