Wednesday, June 22, 2016

August Weddings

Two couples tying the knot in August 1922 were acquaintances of ours.

2016-6-22. Thompson/Veal, Baumer/Fleck weddings
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News 24 Aug. 1922.

George Fleck had lost a sister just 13 days before he gained a wife.

I suppose the Baumer bakery produced the wedding cake.

Walter Veal, widowed about one year earlier, was now marrying Eva Thompson's eldest sister. Hazel was about 19 years old, Walter nearly 40 (1920 Census) and twice widowed (Indiana Marriage Collection).

I don't know exactly where Amelia Thompson's house was (nor have I figured out yet whether Amelia was any relation to the bride's family).

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