Saturday, July 11, 2015

Old Farm Home Traded

I have been unsure of where William and Antonia Rossow have been living lately. They sold much of their farmland in 1918, but retained their farmhouse, so they may have occupied it. In the summer of 1919, they bought the Ray Halsted house on Lincoln Street in Hobart (which may have been this one), but as late as October 1921, that house was available for rent (assuming they did not own two houses on Lincoln Street).

However, in March 1922, they finally traded in their old farm home, along with a piece of property at Garfield and Eighth Streets that I can't identify, for a three-flat building, and went to live in their Lincoln Street house.

2015-7-11. Rossow farm home traded
(Click on image to enlarge)
"Local Drifts," Hobart Gazette 17 March 1922.

The report on the Hobart City Council proceedings, in the left-hand column, has the new owner of the old farmhouse trying to get it electrified.

I do not know exactly where the three-flat was — somewhere in Gary, according to a "Local and Personal" item in the Hobart News of March 16, 1922.

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