Friday, July 11, 2014

Wildflowers of Ainsworth: Scentless Chamomile

2014-7-11 Scentless Chamomile

I found this little flower growing among the dill in my garden. It's some kind of chamomile.

The foliage is not "ill-scented" (in Lawrence Newcomb's words), so I don't think it's Stinking Chamomile; nor does the foliage have the "fragrance of pineapple," so I don't think it's Wild Chamomile. The stems are not gray-downy (if I'm any judge of gray-downiness), so it isn't Field Chamomile. That leaves only Scentless Chamomile, among the Chamomiles listed in my little book.

The flies like it.

2014-7-11 Scentless Chamomile portrait

♦    ♦    ♦

So, yes, my dear old computer is home again, disinfected and rejuvenated. That's the good news. The bad news is that I'm not rejuvenated. I will post when I can. Let's call it Summer of a Bad Year Posting Time.

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