Monday, May 19, 2014

Cute But Ruthless

Let's play "this ain't it, but it might have looked like this" again.

This slide caught my attention because handwritten notes on the original identify the place as "Mom Chester's farm." And I have been told by a native Ainsworthite that Ruth Chester (George's wife) used to drive the tractor herself to plow the fields on their farm, while George was working his day job.

not Ruth, but maybe Ruth-like?
(Click on image to enlarge)

Wouldn't it be a stroke of luck if I just happened to stumble across a picture of Ruth Chester this way? However, I don't think that happened. Aside from sheer improbability, the notes on the original say "fall 1958." In 1958 Ruth Chester was about 61 years old; the woman in this picture looks younger.

But we can pretend, can't we?

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