Friday, December 21, 2012

Wall Painting

Photos taken inside the Hobart Historical Society museum.

Someone cut part of a wall out of a house and dragged it into the museum, for the sake of preserving this painting:

Wall Painting
(Click on images to enlarge)

A card tucked into the window (or door?) frame explains why:

Wall Painting label

I know the card is not easy to read. It says: "Part of wall from home in which Indians once lived. Thought to be Indian art. We are doing further research."

Judging by the apparent age of that card, I'm afraid that whoever was doing the "further research" may have already gone to meet the painter(s) face to face.

Some ancient wallpaper from higher up on the wall; looks like two layers, unless that's more painting underneath:

Wall Painting wallpaper

Here's an artsy shot of the door (or window?) frame. It's artsy because it doesn't convey any information.

Wall Painting artsy

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