Monday, February 21, 2011

Helen Mackey

Since we mentioned Helen Mackey recently, let's see a couple more pictures of her, shall we?

Helen Mackey
(Click on images to enlarge)
Images courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Awww, isn't that cute! Some imaginative photographer has put her in the clouds like a little angel. There is no date on this photo, but Helen looks about seven years old here, which would put it in the late 1890s (she was born in 1891 per the 1900 Census).

Teddy Bullock and Hellen Mackey

This undated photo is captioned, "Teddy Bullock and Hellen [sic] Mackey." The caption doesn't specify which girl is which, but I'm guessing Helen is the one on the right, based on a mild resemblance to the earlier picture above.

Then the girl on the left was "Teddy" Bullock, whom I've never heard of before. I think she resembles Etta Bullock — I wonder if Etta's nickname was ever "Teddy"? The girls appear pretty close in age, and I'd say they're around their mid-teens here. Etta was born in 1892 … it's possible.

I believe the house in the background is on Center Street and still standing. Perhaps the Mackeys or Bullocks lived in that house. An announcement of the wedding of Dwight Mackey and Ruth Bullock described her as the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bullock of Center Street (Hobart Gazette 4 Nov. 1910).

Here's the present-day Center Street house I'm thinking of:


Looks like a match, doesn't it?


Lynn Robertson said...

The history of this house can be found in the Thursday September 30, 1954 Hobart Herald. It was purchased by my great grandfather Dr. Richard C. Mackey in 1903. He died in 1919 and his wife lived there until her death. The house was left to there daughter Helen Rhodes.

Ainsworthiana said...

Thank you for the information!