Saturday, January 18, 2025

Yet Another View of the Old Hobart High School

The puppies are still disrupting my brainwaves, so here's a low-effort post: a view of the old Hobart High School that in some small way is different from all the other views I've posted:

2025-01-18. Hobart High School circa 1943 a
(Click on images to enlarge)

2025-01-18. Hobart High School circa 1943 b

The postcard was manufactured by Wayne Paper Box & Printing Corp., Fort Wayne, Indiana, so once we've gone through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to retrieve a snapshot of the website I used to use to date this company's postcards and which has now disappeared from the internet — based on the "H" in the lower-right corner, and the gray border, I think we can date this postcard to around 1943 … although maybe that site was removed from the internet because it was inaccurate.[1]

Here are two sleeping puppies, a rare thing in my house these days:

2025-01-18. Boo and Smitty sleeping

[1] I am being facetious here.

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