Saturday, November 3, 2018

Conflict of Interest

I just can't get over the fact that ambulance service used to be provided by funeral homes rather than fire departments or other dedicated emergency responders.

2018-11-3. South of Deepriver, News, 6-21-1923
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News, June 21, 1923

Also, the rural social news from south of Deep River. Ellen Smith, whom Emily Strong helped with housecleaning, was the widow of Cyrus and by now nearly 80 years old. Per the 1920 Census, she lived alone; if she still lived in that big farmhouse, I expect she could use help in cleaning it.


Rachel said...

I always wondered what that meant when I would see those ads. I thought it must have meant that they came and picked up the bodies of people who had already died to take to the funeral home, but that never made total sense.

Unknown said...

I live in that house -- I'd love more info on the Smiths! William's signature is on my windowsill.

Ainsworthiana said...

I will post any new information about the Smiths I may come across. If you send me a photo of the signature, I'll post that.