Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Sparrows Are Jerks (Random Pointless Photo)

Welcome to Super Slacker Summer Posting Time, brought to you by bloggers who are sick of the word "Ainsworth."

… So. The lovely barn swallows came back and in a few days built themselves a nice new nest.

As soon as the nest was completed but before any eggs were laid, a pair of sparrows started hanging out on the window frame, mugging all tough, occasionally jumping into the nest. It took only a couple days of psychological intimidation (I never saw them actually fight) for the barn swallows to abandon their nest to the sparrows.

Then the sparrows started re-decorating the nest to suit their taste. But the thing is, their taste is awful, and deep down they probably know it, as they have now been re-decorating longer than it took the swallows to build the nest in the first place, and show no signs of stopping. The result is the ugliest nest on the face of the planet:

Sparrows Are Jerks
(Click on image to enlarge)

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