Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Hazelnut Blossom and Catkins

Here is my attempt to photograph the itsy-bitsy, teenie-weenie "female" blossom of the Hazelnut. Fingers for scale.

2025-03-25. Hazelnut blossom 01
(Click on images to enlarge)

And, on the same tree, some "male" catkins:

2025-03-25. Hazelnut blossom 02

These early-blooming trees are designed for pollination by the wind, rather than the living pollinators we are all trying to save. For more information (and pictures) from someone who knows more about the subject than I do, go here.

Last year, my Hazelnut trees were successfully pollinated and started growing nuts. Around mid-September, I went out to check on their progress and found that every last nut had been stripped off the trees by some critter(s) — four-legged, two-winged; I don't know. The same thing will probably happen this year.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Shilo in the 1970s

If not for three things, Ainsworth Road would be just another shoulder-less, litter-strewn, two-lane country road where people routinely drive like maniacs. If not for three things.

One is invisible. That is Ainsworth Road's past — the centuries when it wound its way through a different world.

Another is the parkland — Big Maple Lake Park, Deep River County Park, their woods and waters, and the variety of life that inhabits them.

The third is, I think, the most visible and popular. That is Shilo Ranch. And I say "most popular" not because so many people own or ride horses, but because all sorts of people who happen to be driving along Ainsworth or Grand Boulevard admire the horses and want to communicate with them.

I live across the street, so I see this all the time. People driving by slow down and look out their car windows at the horses. They open their windows to let their dogs bark at the horses. They honk their horns at the horses. They pull over onto the soft, grassy ground, get out of their cars, and go up to the fence to visit the horses. They take photos and videos of the horses. Sometimes after these visits, the ground by the fence is strewn with carrots or apples. People just love those horses.

So, in honor of this jewel set on a band of shoulder-less, litter-strewn, two-lane country road, here are some newspaper articles from the early days of Shilo Ranch.

2025-03-20. 1971-09-02 Gazette, The Pavel Farm
(Click on images to enlarge)
Hobart Gazette, 2 Sept. 1971.
You can just barely see, in the top left photo, that the sign out front reads: "Pavel Arabians." I don't know exactly when they started using "Shilo," but it was sometime before the summer of 1973, as we will see below.

2025-03-20. 1973-06-07 Gazette, Class Visits Arabian Farm
Hobart Gazette, 7 June 1973.

2025-03-20. 1973-07-12 Gazette, Shilo Arabian Farms Now Largest in Midwest
Hobart Gazette, 12 July 1973.

2025-03-20. 1975-02-19 Gazette, A Look at Shilo Arabian Farms
Hobart Gazette, 19 Feb. 1975.

♦    ♦    ♦

I've read ahead in the microfilm, so I know that Shilo was sold at auction in June 1988. The article I read attributed its financial problems to trouble in the oil industry — those oil people couldn't afford Arabian horses anymore. Shilo continued its operations, but without its founder.

Here is Wayne Pavel's senior photo, from Hobart High School's Memories yearbook of 1956 …

2025-03-20. Hobart High School Memories yearbook, Wayne Pavel
Image from Ancestry.com.

… and his obituary, from 2004:

2025-03-20. 2004-02-10, Wayne Pavel, Obituaries, Daily Journal (Johnson Co., Ind.), p. 5
(Click on image to enlarge)
"Obituaries/News," Daily Journal (Johnson Co., Ind.), 10 Feb. 2004.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Vance Calvert and His Amateur Radio Jargon

Here's what Vance Calvert of Hobart was up to in the early days of 1922.

2025-03-03. 1922-01-05 a : Vance Calvert, amateur radio
(Click on images to enlarge)

2025-03-03. 1922-01-05 b - Vance Calvert, amateur radio

Vance is giving the details of the radio equipment he was using to talk to John Martin in Ohio, I gather, but those details are beyond me and I'm too lazy to research this topic.

We can deduce that Vance did this radio stuff often enough to warrant the expense of having his own postcards printed with his call letters and location, for memorializing the contacts he made with other radio operators.

♦    ♦    ♦

I am not too lazy to do a little research into Vance Calvert. His connection to Hobart appears to date mostly to the 1910s and 1920s, although his parents[1] remained there after he had moved on.

My research has also turned up a news story that may or may not involve him (probably not), but it involves murder with sides of adultery and bootleg liquor, so of course I'm going to tell you about it.

Vance Robert Calvert was born in Michigan City on May 28, 1898 (WWII Draft Cards). His parents had moved to Chicago at the time of the 1900 Census, then back to Michigan City (1910 Census). By 1916 it appears that the family was in Hobart:

2025-03-03. 1916-09-13 Calvert, Vance: Valparaiso-Porter-County-Vidette-p-1
(Click on image to enlarge)
Porter County Vidette (Valparaiso, Ind.), 13 Sept. 1916.

In April 1917, just after the U.S. entered the Great War, Vance joined the military:

2025-03-03. 1917-04-13 Calvert, Vance: Hammond-Lake-County-Times-p-1
(Click on image to enlarge)
Lake County Times (Hammond, Ind.), 13 Apr. 1917.

A week later, Vance's name appeared again on the "Roll of Honor" but "infantry" had been changed to "signal corps"[2] — that may be where he got to know so much about radios.

When we look for him in the 1920 Census, we must go to an army camp in Texas. I believe this is our guy:

2025-03-03 1920 Census: Calvert, Vance
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

I cannot find any record of the marriage, in Texas or anywhere else, but that wouldn't be the first time a marriage failed to show up on Ancestry.com decades after it happened.

Vance was back in Hobart by 1921, when we find him mentioned among some Hobart "boys" in the national guard going off to Louisville, Kentucky. And our postcard above places him in Hobart in 1922. In 1926 we find him and Dora living in San Antonio, Texas, per a city directory, which gives his occupation as serviceman for the International Radio Co.[3]

Now we come to 1927 and things get weird because according to someone on findagrave.com (as well as a couple of family trees on Ancestry.com), Vance's wife was Donna May McGuffin Calvert, who was murdered in Amarillo, Texas, on January 1, 1927. Here is the earliest story about the murder, appearing under a headline splashed across the full width of front page, "Woman Killed and Husband Dying in Hotel Shooting":

2025-03-03. 1927-01-01 Russell Parks Is Lodged in Jail, Amarillo Daily News, p. 34
(Click on image to enlarge)
Amarillo Daily News, 01 Jan. 1927.

Attentive readers will notice that the name of the victim's husband is given as Fred, and Fred it remains as the story develops in the newspapers. (I have tried and failed to identify this Fred Calvert in the online records.)

Two days later, another article tells us that Fred survived his wounds, while there seems to have been some confusion about whether he was, in fact, Donna May's husband.[4]

Here are two articles that summarize the testimony at the trial of the man who shot Donna May.

2025-03-03. 1927-03-16 Park Wears Fatal Shot Was Fired in Self Defense, Amarillo Daily News
(Click on image to enlarge)
Amarillo Daily News, 16 Mar. 1927.

2025-03-03. 1927-03-17 Parks Sentenced to Life Imprisonment, Amarillo Daily News
(Click on image to enlarge)
Amarillo Daily News, 16 Mar. 1927.

Aside from the fact that the possible husband in this case was named Fred, why do I think our Vance did not lose his wife in 1927? — because when we catch up with him in the 1930 Census, in Gary, Indiana, this is what we find:

2025-03-03. 1930 Census : Calvert, Vance R
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

Vance's wife is Nora, which is a reasonable mistake for Dora, and again, I can find no record of his marrying a Nora. This Nora, like the Dora of 1920, was born in Texas. Nora's current age is very nearly what it would be if she were Dora, although her age at first marriage is wrong; and both their mothers were born in Texas, while there's a discrepancy in the paternal birthplaces. The differences, I think, can be chalked up to Dora/Nora fudging her age, or maybe the enumerator being no better at recording ages than names.

That's my hypothesis. Dora = Nora. Dora ≠ Donna May. Is that reasonable? Am I missing something?

Anyway, within a few years, the marriage between Vance and Dora/Nora dissolved, though whether by death or divorce I cannot say. In July 1934 Vance married Bernice Wesenberg, in Chicago.[5] The couple continued living in Chicago through the next two censuses, with three children by 1950. Bernice died in 1958.

Vance was living with a married daughter in Delaware when he died in 1975. No mention is made of his first marriage.

2025-03-03. 1975-06-02 Obituaries, News Journal (Wilmington, Del.), p. 3
(Click on image to enlarge)
"Obituaries," Evening Journal (Wilmington, Del.), 2 June 1975.

I don't attribute any significance to the fact that his youngest daughter was named Donna!

Vance is buried in the same cemetery as his wife and mother.

As for Dora/Nora, I have no idea what became of her.

[1] His father was Leon Calvert, who at various times ran a tinsmith business and a hardware store in Hobart. From what I've found so far it seems that Leon remarried in 1930, while Vance's mother (Addie) was still living.
[2] Lake County Times (Hammond, Ind.), 20 Apr. 1917.
[3] San Antonio City Directory 1926 (John F. Worley Directory Co.), from Ancestry.com. U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
[4] "Parks Hearing Tuesday," Amarillo Globe, 3 Jan. 1927.
[5] Presbyterian Historical Society; Philadelphia, PA, USA; US, Presbyterian Church Records, 1701-1907; Accession Number: 96 0522b 49e. Via Ancestry.com. U.S., Presbyterian Church Records, 1701-1970 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mills of Mystery: Dustin

[continued from here]

This is the last in the series, and it's an anticlimax because I can't find much information about Dustin or his mills (and yes, it appears there were two Dustin mills).

To refresh our memory — Solon Robinson said this on the topic:
Walton's saw mill on Turkey Creek, Wood's and also Dustin's on Deep River and Taylor's on Cedar Creek, were all building during this year [1837]. But with the exception of Wood's they might as well never have been built for the good they have done. The same may be said of the one called "Miller's Saw Mill" on Deep river. Dustin's, Miller's and Walton's have been in utter ruins for years, on account of the difficulty of making a dam of dirt stand, and Taylor's is about half the time without water, and the other half without a dam.[1]
Later remarks in the same paper make it clear that that Dustin had abandoned one early mill and then started another that was still operating in 1847:
There are five saw mills in operation in the county, to-wit: Earle's, Dustin's and Wood's on Deep River; McCarty's on Cedar Creek and Foley's on a branch of Cedar Creek. (There are three dilapidated ones, to-wit: Miller's and Dustin's old mills on Deep River, and Walton's on Turkey Creek, the last about being repaired.)[2]
Upon checking Early Land Sales, Lake County, we find several Dustins (or "Dustons") buying land.

Most of the purchases are in Section 29, Twp. 35 N., Range 7 W., shown here on the 1874 Plat Map:

2025-02-21. Sec. 29, Twp. 35 N, R. 7 W, Dustin purchases (color-coded)
2025-02-21. Sec 29, Ross Twp., 1874
(Click on images to enlarge)

It's not clear which "parts" of the northeast quarter were involved in the first and third purchases, hence the question marks. But clearly there is a stretch of river through many of those purchased acres where, assuming suitable topography, a Dustin might have built a mill.

We find a couple more Dustin ("Dusten") purchases in Section 16. On July 19, 1842, "Dusten, T.M. and V.E., Jr.," bought just over one acre described as "Lot No. 5." We don't know exactly what constituted Lot No. 5, but we've already seen Benajah Wilkinson buying 38 acres of Lot No. 5 in 1840, probably somewhere near the crossing of the Deep River by present-day Ainsworth Road.

The same pair (T.M. and V.E.) also bought "Lot No. 4" (about 12 acres) in Section 16 on June 15, 1846. I have no theories about where that land was.

Speaking of T.M. Dustin, "T.M." could stand for Thomas McDonough, which would make the 1846 purchase interesting in the light of this sad announcement we find in the New York Evening Post of February 26, 1845, in a column simply headed, "Died":

2025-02-21. 1845-02-26 Died, New York Evening Post p. 3
(Click on image to enlarge)

"Inflammation of the lungs," whatever that meant in Deep River[3] in January 1845, carried off three members of the Dustin family, all related to Ebenezer Dustin, who might have been Senior or Junior, for all I know. I cannot find records of any of these graves.

Ebenezer Dustin shows up in the 1840 Census

2025-02-21. 1840 Census - Dustin, Ebenezer
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

… which doesn't tell us a whole lot. By the way, Isaiah Beebe (second name below Ebenezer Dustin) married Deborah Dustin in 1839, per the Porter County marriage records.

I can't identify any Dustins or Beebes[4] in the 1850 or later censuses.

I will just add a couple of earlier references I have found: first, Goodspeed and Blanchard tell us that in 1837, T.M. Dustin paid $5 for a license to sell groceries from a store on the Deep River in North Township.[5] Secondly, the same source reprints George Earle's first survey of the town of Hobart, showing that it was acknowledged May 7, 1847, before Ebenezer Dustin, a justice of the peace.[6]

And that's all I've come up with. So, in summary: I don't understand the Dustin family, don't know where they came from (aside from New York State) or where they went; I don't know where either of Dustin's mills were; and I don't even know which Dustin built them.

[1] "History of Lake County, 1833 – 1847," Lake County 1929, p. 48.
[2] Ibid., p. 59.
[3] The state is abbreviated "Ia." There is a town called Deep River in Iowa, but there is no Lake County, and Iowa did not become a state until 1846, so its abbreviation would have been something like "Ia. Ty. (or Terr.)." Also, the Iowan Deep River did not exist in 1845.
[4] Per Solon Robinson, Isaiah Beebe was living in the spring of 1846 but had died by 1847 ("History of Lake County, 1833 – 1847," p. 46).
[5] Porter and Lake Counties (Goodspeed/Blanchard), p. 422.
[6] Ibid., p. 525.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

A Love Letter and a Mystery

This letter (a recent purchase of mine) was written from Hobart, Indiana, on October 26, 1883, to a brown-eyed, dimple-cheeked schoolteacher in Kansas.

2025-02-13. 1883-10-26 E.R. Swartz to C. McNeil 001
(Click on images to enlarge)

2025-02-13. 1883-10-26 E.R. Swartz to C. McNeil 002

2025-02-13. 1883-10-26 E.R. Swartz to C. McNeil 003

Here is my transcription (original spelling retained but some punctuation added for clarity):
Hobart Ind Oct 26th 1883

Miss Clara

"My Dear Girl"

Yours of the 21st recd on the 25th. I remained in Chicago several days longer than I should otherwise have done waiting to get a letter from you, before I came out here. I left the City the same day I recd it, and will answer it immediatly, so that it will not be so long between letters. Was sorry to hear of Dr Steelman's death and also of the sad accident to your little niece. Hope she may recover soon.

You must excuse this paper as it is all I have at hand.

Am glad to learn that drouthy Kansas is having lots of rain. This makes my second trip into Indiana since I left home and I shall try my best to make all my collections this time before I return to Chicago. Shall not remain in the City long after I return, am getting anxious to get home, and I suppose the reason is, because there is a little browned eyed dimpled cheake'd school teacher about 14 miles east of St John that I want to see very much, and I hope when I get back to Chicago there will be a letter from her waiting for me. I love that little Brunette and I don’t care if she know's it — — but I don’t think her letters express much of that article for me, but perhaps she is reserving that to tell me when I get back which by the way will be inside of two or three weeks, if nothing happens. Was glad to learn that you were over to the wedding. Wish I could have been there? As it is getting late will close by wishing you happy and well, with much love

Yours &c —

In spite of some initial frustration,[1] I was able to identify these people. The writer was Elijah Ross Swartz, born in Ohio in 1843; the recipient was Clara Jane McNeil, born in Iowa in 1862. Here is an account of their wedding, from the front page of the Stafford Herald (Stafford, Kans.) of March 6, 1884:

2025-02-13. 1884-03-06, Matrimonial, Stafford Herald (Kans.), p 1
(Click on image to enlarge)

And here is a photo of Clara Jane McNeil Swartz, which someone has added to findagrave.com:

2025-02-13. Clara McNeil Swartz
(Click on image to enlarge)

Ross lived in this area for a time. We first encounter him in the 1870 Census, farming in Union Township, Porter County and still going by his first name, Elijah.

2025-02-13. 1870 census
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

He is listed first, as if he were the head of the household, but the family's property is attributed to his mother, the 63-year-old Mary. I have not been able to find out with certainty who his father was and whether Mary was, in 1870, widowed, separated, or divorced.[2]

The earliest map of Union Township that I know of dates to 1876 and does not show the Swartz family owning land, so either they rented the land, or they sold it before 1876. To judge by the names listed near theirs on the census, such as Shearer and Janes, the Swartz family was close to the county line.

In January 1876 (Indiana Marriage Collection), Elijah married Alla Demott, also a native of Ohio and some 12 years his junior. By 1880, Elijah had given up farming in Union Township for dealing hardware in Chesterton.

2025-02-13. 1880 census
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

The family's record does not continue on the next page: he and Alla had no children.

The next we hear of Elijah, or Ross, it's October 1883 and he is courting Clara McNeil. That is the mystery of this post's title: what happened to Alla? I cannot find any record of her death. It's possible that they were divorced, though that would be unusual. Alla simply disappears.

♦    ♦    ♦

Ross and Clara remained in Kansas until the early 1890s, when they moved to California. There the 1900 Census records them …

2025-02-13. 1900 census
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

… and there they lived out the rest of their lives.

Ross's death in 1913 was reported back in St. John, Kansas:

2025-02-13. 1913-10-30 County Capital (St. John, Stafford Co., Kans.), p. 5
(Click on image to enlarge)
County Capital (St. John, Kans.), 30 Oct. 1913.

Clara died in 1934, and her obituary suggests that all her life she remained proud of her work as a schoolteacher in Kansas.

2025-02-13. 1934-01-18 Highland Park News Herald (Calif.), obit - Swartz, Clara McNeil
(Click on image to enlarge)
Highland Park News Herald (Calif.), 18 Jan. 1934.

She and Ross are buried in California.

♦    ♦    ♦

As a postscript, here is a letter Ross wrote for publication in the Porter County Vidette, telling citizens of Porter County why they should move to Stafford County, Kansas.

2025-02-13. 1883-03-22 Letter from E. Ross Swartz, St. John Advance, p. 2
(Click on image to enlarge)
St. John Advance (Kans.), 22 Mar. 1883.

[1] For some unknown reason, Ancestry.com turns up no record of their marriage.
[2] Mary died in St. John, Kansas, in 1892. Her brief obituary does not mention a husband, or any of her children except the one she lived with. ("Obituary," County Capital (St. John, Kans.), 26 Aug. 1892.)

Friday, February 7, 2025

Mills of Mystery: Wilson & Saunders

[continued from here]

Wilson & Saunders were the flies in John Wood's ointment, according to Solon Robinson, who, as we know, said: "The accommodation of the people of the county was greatly increased this year [1847], in getting grain made into bread stuff, by the mill of Wilson & Saunders on Deep River below Wood's (and as he thinks not quite far enough below)." This only tells us that Wilson & Saunders' mill was downstream from Wood's mill, and annoyingly close.

Turning to Early Land Sales, Lake County, we find relevant entries that show "Wilson & Sanders"[1] purchasing Lots 8, 11, and 12, and Robert Wilson purchasing Lot 9, of Section 16, Twp. 35 N., Range 7 W., in December 1844.

I'm sure we all remember Section 16 from our encounter with the Wilkinsons. And as you can see, Wood's mill, in Section 21, lay just below Section 16's southern border:

2025-02-07. Sec. 16, Twp. 35 N, Range 7 W (1874) – Wood's mill
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from the 1874 Plat Map.

The enumerator of the 1850 Census visited the Wilson-Saunders household right after visiting the Wood household:

2025-02-07. 1850 census - Wilson and Saunders
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

It would be astonishing if they had actually been neighbors, operating two mills next to each other. (You will notice that Benajah Wilkinson's widow, Prudence, and children are further down on the same page.)

The 1840 Census also records a Robert Wilson near John Wood …

2025-02-07. 1840 census - Robert Wilson
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Ancestry.com.

… which was probably our Robert, but the census gives so little information that we can't know for sure.

I have not been able to trace either Wilson or Saunders before or after the 1840-1850 timeframe.

♦    ♦    ♦

Where was the Wilson & Saunders mill? Short answer: I don't know.

Thanks to the trails in Deep River County Park, these days you can walk the whole length of the Deep River as it flows through Section 16, from Wood's mill all the way up to the north side of Ainsworth Road.

You can look around for a spot that might have accommodated a water-powered mill. Such a mill needs not only flowing water but also some high ground on which to perch the mill itself, so it isn't flooded or washed away every time the river overflows its banks.

The topography has to allow for damming the river so that the flow of water on the mill's wheel can be controlled. Wood's mill diverted some of the river's water into a millpond; the Cascade/Huffman mill did likewise. George Earle made a millpond of the river itself.

But a mill also needs a road for customers to use when bringing in raw materials and taking out finished products. Even today the river through Section 16 runs a pretty remote course. In 1847, we know Ainsworth Road and 73rd Ave./Joliet Road were in use. Was County Line Road then usable enough that Wilson & Saunders might have built their mill just below Wood's where the river runs past County Line Road's high ground? That would be very close indeed. There is high ground near Ainsworth Road, too, but we thought that area was reserved for the Wilkinsons, didn't we?

Even if I were able to find a source that showed exactly what land was included in the 1844 purchases — lots 8, 9, 11, and 12 of Section 16 — I might not be very far along, since each of those lots contained 40 acres.

♦    ♦    ♦

Here are a few of the entries from the early daybooks at the Hobart Historical Society museum that mention Wilson & Saunders.

The earliest I have found dates to September 7, 1846. It shows (if I understand the entry correctly) a customer at this Hobart store paying here for 100 pounds of flour to be gotten from Wilson & Saunders' mill.

2025-02-07. 1846-09-07 Wilson -Saunders, order for flour, DayB1836 064, 065
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

Remember that in 1846 George Earle was operating only a sawmill, so Wilson & Saunders' was probably the closest grist mill.[2] (To judge by all the pills and quinine being bought on these pages, there was a lot of sickness going around in this later summer; also notice that Jesse Albee paid 25 cents to have teeth extracted, and there is no accompanying charge for pain medication.)

Ten days later, some complicated business:

2025-02-07. 1846-09-17 Wilson-Saunders and E. Saunders, DayB1840 164, 165
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

I chose that one mostly because on the opposite page we find E. Saunders doing various things that include providing shelter and clothing for two orphaned Hodson boys, and it occurs to me to wonder if John Saunders, the miller, was related to E. (Edward?) Saunders. Of course, I don't have a clue.

On this page, dating to July 1847, we find Wilson & Saunders doing business with Saunders & Scales, and I wonder which Saunders that was.

2025-02-07. 1847-07-06 Wilson-Saunders, payment to other Saunders firm DayB1836 096, 097
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

The latest entries I can find date to September-October 1847, and show Wilson & Saunders making a few lumber purchases from George Earle's sawmill.

2025-02-07. 1847-10-10 Wilson-Saunders, latest lumber purchase DBHM1846 010, 011
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society.

So, the next time you're walking along the river in Deep River County Park, you can ask yourself where you would put a mill if you were Robert Wilson or John Saunders in 1844. And I suppose you have to remember that weather and erosion have been working on the river and its banks for nearly two centuries since then, so all you can do is imagine.

[To be continued …]

[1] "Sanders" shows up now and then as an alternate spelling of "Saunders." Maybe "Saunders" is the phonetic spelling of "Sanders."
[2] "There are two grist mills, Wood's and Wilson & Saunders, (three run of stone). Mr. Earle is also engaged at the present time in building another, which will have from 2 to 4 run." Solon Robinson, "History of Lake County, 1833 – 1847," Lake County 1929, p. 59. In a notice dated December 1, 1847 (on display at the Hobart Historical Society museum), George Earle announced that both his mills (saw and grist) were in operation.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Foster a Mama Dog, They Said. It'll Be Easy, They Said

Mama will do all the work, they said. Well, she does a lot of work, but she can't do everything. And this particular mama dog has, shall we say, severe digestive issues.

But she is getting better, and each one of her seven pups is the cutest pup in the world.

(And that's why I'm having a hard time pulling together my next mystery-mill post.)