Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Amazon by Any Other Name

The Gazette noted, around mid-December 1918, that something was doing in the space formerly occupied by The Amazon.* Its saloon fixtures had been removed; people were busy with cleaning and repairing; by all appearances, there might be a new restaurant opening there in the near future.

The next week's paper confirmed it. George Watkins, who had run the Amazon, was about to open a new "short-order lunch room" — name not specified. It might be the "Amazon" again; it might be the "Fooled You, Didn't I?"

*It referred to the building, on the northeast corner of Third and Center, as the "Stocker building."

Sources: "Local Drifts." Hobart Gazette 13 Dec. 1918; 12 Dec. 1918.

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