Tuesday, July 2, 2024

A Dorman Family Reunion (ca. 1907)

From the Dorman descendant who gave us the photo of the Dormans at home comes this photo of the extended family, taken probably circa 1907 and probably at Blue Island, Illinois …

2024-07-02. Dorman Bros. Reunion
(Click on images to enlarge)
Images courtesy of James Dorman Greene.

… with this information about who is in the photo:
Front (left to right): Willard, Winston, and Harold with their parents John Dorman and Ella (Walts) behind. Behind them are the other two Dorman boys I believe: John Carlisle and Clarence.

The rest of the front row: Edith Dorman (my grandmother) and two of her cousins. Edith's parents Louis and Ida Hecker are behind her. To their right is William Dorman and his with Lina. Back row starting from third on the left is Fred Dorman and his wife. Then Charles Dorman and his wife Elizabeth Ramm.
Blue Island was where John Dorman's parents had settled after coming over from Germany around 1849. He was born there in 1859.

From the same source comes this map showing where in Germany John Dorman's parents came from:

2024-07-02. Tangendorf, Brandenburg

Their home village, Tangendorf, is now part of the municipality of Prignitz, in the state of Brandenburg. Per Wikipedia, its population in 2010 was 85.

1 comment:

James Dorman Greene said...

Fantastic, nice to see your blog. Outstanding work you do!