Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Harper-Carlson-Grabowski-Pike House

I came across this article, in the Hobart Herald of September 9, 1954, summarizing the history of the house at 6430 Grand Boulevard.

2023-09-07. 1954-09-09 Hobart Herald, Old Hobart Houses (Pike house) 01
(Click on images to enlarge)

2023-09-07. 1954-09-09 Hobart Herald, Old Hobart Houses (Pike house) 02

According to the county records (which tend to be imprecise when you get back into the 19th century), the house was built in 1879: a date not inconsistent with this article. I am so curious to know what the author was told that led her to say that the house was built "sometime after 1863" — not that I doubt it; I'm just curious. I'm guessing she talked with old-timers to get this information.

The article doesn't mention William Blumenthal's brief ownership, but of course he was a mere passer-by, wasn't he?

Considering that the Grabowskis' addition to the house was begun in 1923, it's possible the old timers' memories were not serving them well if they thought it hadn't been completed yet by 1930.

The "Verne Manteuff" whose identification of a shoe is said to have been so important after the accident that killed the Grabowskis was LaVerne Manteuffel.

I want to get into more detail about some of the people mentioned in this article, and I will do that in future posts.

By the way, the photo at the top of my second image above doesn't relate to the house, but to a monument I posted about 'way back in 2010, which (according to the program John Dorman had printed up) was erected in 1931.

1 comment:

Suzi E said...

Bea Stafford did an entire series of articles for the Gazette on old Hobart homes in 1954, 7 or 8 at least. This home was owned by Dr. Bernard owned this back in the 1980’s and I think it it still in the family.