Thursday, July 27, 2023

Grapevine Looper and Sawfly Larva

This moth was on a Virginia Creeper vine in my field.

2023-07-27. Grapevine Looper 02
(Click on image to enlarge)

Grapevine Looper moths come in Greater and Lesser varieties, but they are very hard to tell apart without measurements. I couldn't get measurements on this guy; I was lucky just to get a picture.

The moth gets its name from its caterpillar, which feeds on grapevines and Virginia Creeper, and forms a loop shape when it walks.

♦    ♦    ♦

Here is a many-legged critter that the nice people in the IN Nature group on Facebook helped me to identify as a sawfly larva.

2023-07-27. Sawfly larva on milkweed
(Click on image to enlarge)

The adults are called sawflies because their ovipositors resemble saws.

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