Thursday, October 17, 2013


I suppose disabled planes were landing in farmers' fields all over the country. It only seems as if they all came down around Ainsworth because I'm reading about Ainsworth, not the rest of the country.

Plane item in Local and Personal
(Click on images to enlarge)
From "Local and Personal," Hobart News 9 Dec. 1920.

(Also, the Melvin Guernsey family, who had fled to Florida to escape the Indiana winter, have fled back to escape the Florida cost of living.)

Plane item in "South of Deepriver" column
From Hobart News 9 Dec. 1920

Plane lands in field
From Hobart Gazette 10 Dec. 1920.

The "old Bragington farm" was at the southern border of Ross Township:

Bragington land, 1926

That's how it looked in the 1926 Plat Book. The Bragington name covers most of Section 31, Range 7, from the 1874 Plat Map onward. That doesn't change until the 1939 Plat Book, and for all I know the names listed there could be Bragington heirs.

And we do find Ed Maybaum, in the 1920 Census, living on rented land in southern Ross Township.

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