Monday, September 5, 2011

When an Amateur Historian Has a Good Day
(Random Pointless Photos)

… It has nothing to do with being an amateur historian. I finally got the mortise lock on my kitchen door replaced. It only took three days and one trip to Hobart Lumber for new chisels and wood filler.

They make these old-fashioned-looking doorknob/lock sets, where they even pre-scratch the finish for you to make it look all worn and historical.
New doorknob
(No, I cannot paint my door! If I painted it, it wouldn't be shabby chic anymore; now, would it?)

I hate to lose any original part of my house, but with this old doorknob I had gotten to where I was afraid to close the door all the way for fear I wouldn't be able to get it open again.
Old doorknob

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