Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Donald Lee's Bad Luck

Poor kid — in August 1915 a broken arm, and now this:

Donald Lee operation
(Click on image to enlarge)
From the Hobart News of March 2, 1916.

Just in case you didn't believe the News, here's the Gazette saying the same thing on March 3:

Donald Lee 3-3-1916

I don't know where the Parish Leaflet Flats were, except that their back entrance opened onto East Street, and the street on which the building fronted had no sidewalk (this description from "Town Board Doings," Hobart News 16 Mar. 1916).

I wonder if all those people gave permission for their operations to be reported on, or did the doctors (or the hospital) just blithely go ahead and publish regardless?

The operation must have gone well, as little Donald was able to return home soon afterward.

Donald Lee 3-9-1916
From the Hobart News of March 9, 1916.

Charles Lee is still being very quiet. I don't see him advertising at all.

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