Monday, September 20, 2010

Wildflowers of Ainsworth: Great Lobelia

Up in the high-and-dry part of the woods around Big Maple Lake, there's nothing blooming but jumpseed. But in damper areas, especially down in the creek beds and river bottoms, I've found some wildflowers I've never seen before (probably because I don't usually go to the park at this time of year).

Exhibit 1: Great Lobelia


Larger and more impressive than the Spiked Lobelia I found earlier this summer.


Its scientific name is Lobelia siphilitica, in honor of its use in times past to treat syphilis.

And according to Jack Sanders:
Among the Meskwaki Indians, the root of the great blue lobelia was used to prevent divorce. Seeing discord between a couple, a tribe member would mash the root, secretly add it to the food of both husband and wife, and love would return.

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