
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Someday I'm Going to Murder the Bugleherb

I was out mowing my field, trying to reclaim it from the Pale Dogwood before any birds build nests out there, when I noticed these lovely little purple flowers with reddish leaves, growing where nobody had planted them.

2024-05-01. Bugleherb 01
(Click on images to enlarge)

2024-05-01. Bugleherb 02

2024-05-01. Bugleherb 03

After identifying them and doing a little research, I learned that I have to kill them. They are Bugleherb, a non-native invasive species.

(Link for those of you who don't know the song that gives this post its title:

♦    ♦    ♦

In happier news, the two or three Mayapples I found at the edge of my field a few years ago have now become a whole colony.

2024-05-01. Mayapple 01

2024-05-01. Mayapple 02

2024-05-01. Mayapple 03

That's a big leaf, isn't it? (Hand for scale.)

1 comment:

  1. Too bad, it's a pretty flower. Kind of an awful name though.
