
Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Gentle Bull and a Couple of Babies

Charles Boyd was (if I'm not mistaken) the son of Eli Boyd; Eli and his brother Levi were the "E. & L. Boyd" whose Holsteins were the ancestors of the cattle Charles was now selling, including the gentle bull. Charles probably intended to get out of farming — at any rate, he had done so by 1930.

Boyd sale; Fleck and Rhodes babies
(Click on image to enlarge)

And you will notice some familiar names in the "Births" column. Roberta Leona's mom was the former Daisy Raschka; this was her second child and first daughter. Mrs. George Rhodes had been Helen Mackey (and I hope she had found that lost velvet rabbit). This baby, Jane, was their second daughter. They would bring her home to a full household, as the Rhodeses lived with Helen's widowed mother, Ruth, who also provided a home for her other daughter, Martha, and Martha's husband of three months, Don Gilger — but if they occupied that sprawling house on Center Street, no doubt there was plenty of room for them all.

1900 Census.
1920 Census.
1930 Census.
♦ "Births." Hobart Gazette 16 Jan. 1920.
♦ "Births." Hobart News 15 Jan. 1920.
♦ "Public Sale." Hobart Gazette 16 Jan. 1920.

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