Friday, May 17, 2024

Midland Painted Turtle

My little dog has one type of bark that means, "The UPS truck has stopped in front of our house. You ought to know about this." He has another type of bark that means, "The UPS guy is on our porch! Right here! Right now!" It can also mean, "The raccoon is climbing the fence! Hurry and help me catch him!" or, "I've cornered a woodchuck in the back yard! Hurry or he'll kill me!" In this case it meant, "A turtle is wedged against the fence and waving its little arms and legs trying to get loose! I've never seen such a thing!"

I'm glad the dog told me about it. I would never have noticed the poor turtle stuck there.

Anyway, I rescued the turtle, took some pics to post in the IN Nature group on Facebook for help with ID, and set it loose.

2024-05-17. Turtle 01
(Click on images to enlarge)

2024-05-17. Turtle 02

2024-05-17. Turtle 03

1 comment:

Heather said...

That turtle is so lucky Lassie ran for help :)