
Friday, February 2, 2024

Puppy Vacation II: The Yappening

Walter and Seymore are on loan from the Humane Society of Hobart for two weeks. They specialize in yapping.

2024-02-02. Walter and Seymore
(Click on image to enlarge)

I can't tell them apart without seeing their collars.

This is Seymore:

2024-02-02. Seymore


  1. They sure are cute!

  2. Love the names. Those faces--so cute!
    We have two brothers Chihuahua mixes who just turned one. They love to howl--start yipping and then throw their heads back and start to howl.
    They have lots of energy--it has been an exhausting ten months!
    Great that you're willing to take on the foster care.
