
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Truman Handshake

I bought some random photo negatives on Ebay, which turned out to be mostly behind-the-scenes shots of a one student's graduation from Hobart High School. Each negative was in an envelope with handwritten notes on it, and the notes contained just enough information for me to figure out that the graduate in question was Denise Marie Perney, and the year was 1968.

This photo shows Denise in her graduation gown flanked by (I'm guessing) her parents, Cleo and Gordon Perney.

2023-12-12. 1968 Perney, Denise 06
(Click on image to enlarge)

The notes on the envelope holding this photo included the term, "Truman Handshake." I hadn't heard of the Truman Handshake before. Apparently, I've just been out of the loop, since an online search on that term unearthed several images of President Harry Truman's signature two-way handshake. For example:

2023-12-12. Churchill_Truman_y_Stalin_en_la_Conferencia_de_Potsdam_23-07-1945_-_BU_009195
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image from Wikimedia Commons.
Left to right: Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Joseph Stalin.

Anyway, here is Denise's picture from the 1968 Memories yearbook:

2023-12-12. 1968 Perney, Denise -- senior portrait from Memories yearbook
(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of the Hobart Historical Society, Hobart, Indiana.

And the rest of the 1968 graduation pictures are here.


  1. The things I learn from reading your blog! From insects to handshakes.
    Denise does not look happy in the photo with her parents!

  2. She does look surprisingly grim, doesn't she? There's only one picture where she's smiling.
