
Sunday, April 16, 2023

The Anti-Dairy-Queen Crowd

Since I still don't have time to do proper posts, here's a random article from 1951:

2023-04-16. 1951-05-03 Gazette, Dairy Queen
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart Gazette, 3 May 1951.

These wet blankets had a point: the presence of a popular ice cream shop would fundamentally change the nature of that little neighborhood. On the other hand … DAIRY QUEEN!!!

♦    ♦    ♦

Another random item from the "Want Ads" of the April 12, 1951 Gazette:

2023-04-16. 1951-04-12 Gazette, Want Ads
(Click on image to enlarge)

I wish I were an elderly man with a lot of time on his hands. But I wouldn't raise chickens and vegetables for Tom Tinney. I'd just sit and enjoy doing nothing.

I wonder if Tom Tinney's produce stand was that building on the southeast corner of 8th and Wisconsin that got knocked down, oh, so many years ago, but still within the 32 years that I've been around here.

(Sorry about the craptastic phone images. I don't have time to go to the library and print things out from microfilm.)


  1. I'm not from Hobart so I looked on Google Maps to see if I could figure out what had happened. Looks like Dairy Queen won!

  2. Yes, the Dairy Queen won, and now it's one of Hobart's long-time institutions beloved by everyone, or at least by people who don't have to live next door to it.

  3. Cool article! I'm really interested in that proposed walkway from Rand to Hickey (have lived in that area for the last 45 years), would love to know what that was all about. There's a little overgrown path that connects the sections of North Liberty street, perhaps that's what they were talking about?

  4. I don't know anything about the overgrown path, but you might email the Hobart Historical Society about it. They are lifelong Hobart people, unlike me.
