Wednesday, April 15, 2020

It's Got to Be Charlie

This is the last of the three photos I bought recently. Like the other two, this one came with no helpful notes on it, and would also have remained unidentified if I hadn't had the pleasure, long ago, of seeing a photo of Charles Dewell, Jr.

2020-04-15. Dewell, Charles
(Click on image to enlarge)

Compare this photo with the earlier one, and try to tell me that this isn't Charlie!

Both photos were taken by August Haase and thus date somewhere between 1902 and 1912, meaning that Charlie (born in 1881) was in his twenties, or very early thirties, when he had them taken.

I have never seen a tie like the one he's wearing in this photo. It combines a bow tie and a straight tie. And the pattern of the fabric!

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