
Monday, March 11, 2019

Diphtheria on the Berndt Farm

In mid-July 1923 diphtheria broke out in the home of John and Minnie (Harms) Berndt. It took only a few days to kill their youngest child.

2019-03-11. Berndt, News, 7-19-1923
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News, July 19, 1923.

Diphtheria can be transmitted through the air or by touching a contaminated object, so the Rev. Schuelke and those few relatives who came to the farm for the funeral were risking their own health.

Additional Source:
"Diphtheria Causes Sudden Death," Hobart Gazette, July 20, 1923.


  1. I believe that mrs. hannah berendt is the grandmother of the little girl that died. Her name should be berndt. This is from the artical that said she moved back home after living six months with her daughter mrs. robert rossow.

  2. Yes, I've seen the name spelled "Berendt" here and there, which is probably how the writer guessed at the spelling based on the pronunciation.
