
Monday, August 21, 2017

Truss Bridge on the Old Lincoln Highway

Courtesy of Daniel Kleine, here are some photos taken circa October 1981 showing the truss bridge that used to carry the old Lincoln Highway (East 73rd Avenue) across the Deep River.

2017-8-21. Bridge 1
(Click on images to enlarge)
Photographs by Daniel Kleine. Used with permission.

The photographer and subject are in Deep River County Park.

2017-8-21. Bridge 2

2017-8-21. Bridge 3

A similar bridge carried Ainsworth Road over the river when I first moved out here in 1990. It was soon replaced — around 1991, I think, but I was pretty oblivious to my surroundings back then. I do not know when the bridge in the photos was replaced.

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Here's my attempt at the "now" part of a then-and-now, rendered difficult by the lush vegetation of August:

2017-8-21. Block of concrete near the Deep River bridge
(Click on images to enlarge)

The block of concrete is still there. The railroad-tie stairs are gone.

You can just catch a glimpse of the new bridge through the greenery.

2017-8-21. New bridge over Deep River

About ten feet north of the new bridge stands the crumbling abutment of an old bridge.

2017-8-21. Abutment

That, I am told, held a wooden bridge that was replaced after the mill-pond dam broke — which may refer to the 1922 break — but since this is third-hand information, told to me by someone who heard it from someone who has since died, I'm stating it as legend rather than fact.

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