
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Gender Performance at the Ross Township Farmers' Institute

Here we have the program for the January 27, 1922 meeting of the Ross Township Farmers' Institute, which just leaves me wondering what would happen to a girl who showed up with some fine corn or potatoes she'd grown, or a boy with a cake baked from his own recipe.

2017-2-19. Ross Twp. Farmers Institute
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News 21 Dec. 1922.

Based on what comes up when I Google "Mrs. R.M. Brown, Goshen, Indiana," I think she was going to discuss "household efficiency" or something in that vein.

Elsewhere on the same page: Ruby Fisher was offering piano lessons; Paul Emery was offering loans and insurance — was this a side job while he continued working with his father-in-law, Calvin Shearer, in the coal-and-building-materials business?

Interesting that among the suggested gifts for "ladies" (up in the right-hand corner) were face powder and rouge.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what became of the bandit dressed as a woman; also, I like the way Sauer's market has inserted themselves into the classified ads!
