
Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Busy Season at the Yellowstone Trail Campground

The last I heard about Lee & Rhodes' public fountain was in April 1922, when it had been put in working order. Evidently by August it had gotten out of working order and people were going thirsty under the glaring sun.

While the story about Yellowstone Trail campground doesn't say so, I suppose that the registration box had been set out there when the camp officially opened on May 6, 1922.

2016-6-26. Lee fountain, Yellowstone Trail
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart Gazette 25 Aug. 1922.

I don't know where exactly the Harmon house was, but it doesn't matter since apparently you couldn't get any moonshine there. (I wonder if the Harmon who lived there had any connection to the Rush Harmon who had been hanging around with Carrie Peas.)

And lastly, the bereaved Alfred Ingram and Anna Fleck left close up the empty house in Boston.


  1. Totally unrelated to this article but have you made it over to the Fred Rose house restoration on 8th & Lincoln? I would love to see inside but not sure they would let me, but my guess is if anyone can get in - you could - and take some pix too! Looks like it will be grand!

  2. I'm glad that house is being saved! I've just been watching the work from the outside as I drive by. And leaving it up to the owners, or maybe their neighbor Paula Isolampi, to document the process.
