
Thursday, April 28, 2016

"Adopt America as New Home"

In the summer of 1922, two pre-teen girls left their widowed mother and their siblings in Lithuania, and "traveling only with friends," crossed an ocean and a third of a continent, to end up in Ainsworth with Uncle Charles and Aunt Amelia.

2016-4-28. Goldmans adopt immigrant nieces
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart Gazette 4 Aug. 1922.

When we first met the Goldmans, I mentioned that the 1920 Census showed them with a 16-year-old daughter who hadn't been listed in the 1910 Census. Her name was Ada. While she was indeed described as their daughter, the birthplaces of her parents did not match those of Charles and Amelia, so she must have been adopted. As far as I can determine, the Goldmans had no children of their own, but willingly opened their home to other people's children.

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Over in the "Local Drifts" column on the right, we find an item about a family reunion at "H.W. Kent's home, near Deepriver." This was Hugo William Kent, and his home was just over the Porter County line, on the Lincoln Highway. Until now I've ignored the Kent family, but I just started looking into H.W.'s background and found enough to make me think he deserves his own post.

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