
Monday, December 28, 2015

Babe Ruth, and the Chicken-Fight Referee

While Paul Emery got to see the Sultan of Swat in Chicago on June 9, 1922, back home in Hobart, Dr. L.M. Friedrich was carrying out his health-board duties, which included the usual negotiating of peace in neighborhood chicken fights, and attending to various dead animals lying around in the summer heat.

2015-12-28. Babe Ruth, chicken fights
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News 15 June 1922.

One hundred people crowded into the old Deep River schoolhouse to honor Dewey and Evalene (Ols) Thomas; I wonder they had any room to dance.

(I had never heard of the Flying Rollers before. The things I am learning!)

1 comment:

  1. That Flying Rollers incident must have been quite a site to see.
