
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Lester Fisher, 1901-1922

We had a warning about Lester Fisher's health. The 21-year-old died on the last day of May 1922.

2015-11-29. Lester Fisher obituary
(Click on image to enlarge)
Hobart News 1 June 1922.

It was tuberculosis that killed him, according to the Gazette.

The Gazette also stated that the family was residing in "the Kramer house on Center street." We do find the Jacob Kramer, Jr. family on Center Street in the 1920 Census, but I can't say whether the Fishers occupied the former Stocker house.

Additional Source: "Death of Lester Fisher." Hobart Gazette 2 June 1922.


  1. Do you mind if I link the obituary to his Find a Grave entry? I'm not a relative I just like adding information to the site.

  2. Please feel free to link this obituary and any other obituaries, etc. to Find a Grave entries or any similar sites. It's a helpful thing to do. I would do it myself if I had any time or energy that wasn't eaten up by this blog and all the behind-the-scenes work it requires. :)

  3. I'll do that then. And I appreciate all the work you've put into this blog, it's a valuable source :)
