
Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Double Sapper Wedding

The last of April 1921 was a joyous day in the home of Charles and Minnie Sapper, as two of their daughters, Matilda and Rosella, became wives.

6-8-2014 Sapper wedding
(Click on image to enlarge)

I don't know what Caroline (Sapper) Nelson did about her nine-day-old infant — perhaps she wasn't able to attend her sisters' wedding. On the other hand, I'd be surprised if Albert and Frieda Witt didn't drive up from the Kegebein farm to see his brother married.

6-8-2014 Sapper-Witt-Henschel wedding
(Click on images to enlarge)
Photos courtesy of the Ewen family.
Back row: Wilbert Wagener, Lillian Fasel, unidentified, Annabel Sapper, Albert Kraft, unidentified. Front Row: Emil Henschel, Rose Sapper, Matilda Sapper, Paul Witt.

6-8-2014 Emil and Rosella Sapper Henschel
Emil and Rosella (Sapper) Henschel.

I don't know much about Emil Henschel. He was born in Germany in 1890 and came to this country in 1905. I can't find him in the 1920 census.

1920 Census.
1930 Census.
♦ "Double Wedding." Hobart Gazette 6 May 1921.
WWII Army Enlistment Records.

1 comment:

  1. Emil Henschel moved into the Strom farm at the north end of Michigan Ave. He wired the house for electric; I saw a 1919 clipping where he asked for the town to extend the "incandescent line" from the end of Mich ave to his house.
    His name appears on the plat maps.
