
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ainsworth Then and Now: The Guest House

Back when I took pictures of the house in the woods, I never expected to have a picture of it for a then-and-now post!

1947 and 2014

4-9-2014 Guest house photo
4-9-2014 Guest house now
(Click on images to enlarge)
Top image courtesy of Chester Wasy.

Mr. Wasy writes:
[T]he front porch faced the south and in the winter you could see the cabin from Ainsworth Road, of course that was when cattle grazed in the woods and kept the area clear.

During the winter my friend Cleston Brenan and I used to sled down the valley slopes then go back to the cabin and light a fire in the fire place to dry out. O what a good old time!!!
Another neighbor remembers sledding back there with friends as well, but being uninvited, they had to keep a lookout so "old man Wasy" wouldn't catch them — the senior Chester Wasy, that is.

The 1947 photo was taken for a report prepared on the property assessing its value.

4-9-2014 1947 Report on Atlasta Farms
(Click on images to enlarge)
Images courtesy of Chester Wasy.

4-9-2014 Guest house information

I am sorry to have to tell those of you who think this cabin belonged to Al Capone … well, it's a good story, but it's not true.


  1. Have you considered linking your blog to Twitter? You have great stuff here, and I'd love to share more of it.


  2. What?! -- and join the 21st century?!


    OK, I'm now on Twitter @Ainsworth_Ind. Not sure what that means, but maybe I'll figure it out.
