
Monday, January 27, 2014

Third and Main for the Millionth Time

I know, I know: we've seen Third and Main over and over again, but I don't believe we've seen this exact, precise view, which is why I bought it.

3rd looking E from Main
(Click on images to enlarge)

The postmark is unclear, but looks to me like 1924. That seems consistent with the style of the ATS building's façade (it was remodeled in 1926) and the cars in the street.

3rd looking E from Main verso

I haven't identified the sender or the receiver.

I just wish somebody could explain this thing to me:

This Thing


  1. Now you have ME wondering!

  2. Since the card Is from a drugstore, perhaps it it some sort of advertisement, like those huge vegetables on a 'things grow bigger in Kansas' postcard?

  3. Like maybe a gigantic pill? :) No idea. It looks like there might be lettering around the edges of the front, but if so it's totally illegible. Hmm, maybe somebody from a marching band left his big drum sitting in the street?
