
Friday, May 3, 2013

Harvey's Dime Store Bag?

Yesterday I took another dive into the steamer trunk and brought up (among other things) this bag:

(Click on image to enlarge)
Image courtesy of E.H.

Those of you who experienced Harvey's Dime Store may be able to tell me if the "Harvey's" on this bag is that "Harvey's."

This bag was stuffed with little treasures that will be showing up on the blog in the weeks to come. I got so much new material, in fact, that I am freaking out a little over how much work will be involved in organizing/scanning it.


  1. This does look to me like the bags that Harvey's favorite memory of the store was the toy department in the basement...Santa was there before Christmas every cousins lived on New St., so we probably went to see Santa every week at least, because you got a little bag of hard candy, too...of course we denied when asked "weren't you kids already here?", who did we think WE were kidding?? Can't wait to see what is in the bag!
