
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Third Anniversary (Random Pointless Photos)

In honor of my blog's third anniversary, here are some sappy cloud pix from a few days ago:

Clouds 1
(Click on images to enlarge)

Clouds 2

Clouds 3

Clouds 4

I can't believe I've been carrying on with this nonsense for three years! Blogging, I mean, not taking sappy cloud pix — that I've been doing since I first got my hands on a camera.


  1. Happy Anniversary! And THANK YOU for "carrying on witth this nonsense" for so long. My first thing to check every day is your blog! You do a great job and you are definately keeping my interest!

    Debbie Maxwell

  2. I love cloud pictures and these are awesome! And of course, I love the blog--still love the old home town!

  3. Now I can't get that song out of my head -- "I've looked at clouds from both sides now..." I will never stop taking sappy cloud pix! :D
