
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Another Long-Timer Gone

William Smith had lived 54 of his 72 years in Ross Township, and aside from a couple years' residence in Hobart, had left only for brief visits to family and friends. In October 1919 he left forever.

William Smith obituary
(Click on image to enlarge)

William had been quieter than his older brother, it seems; his name rarely appeared in the newspapers except in connection with visits and bereavements. His only daughter, Mabel, and her husband Frank owned a farm well south of Ainsworth. William's four surviving grandchildren were Lynne, Helen, Glen and Ruth, the oldest being about 14 and the youngest an infant.

William was buried in Crown Hill Cemetery with both his wives.

Smith, William

Smith, Carlie

Smith, Cassie

The first wife, Cassie, had originally (in 1877) been buried somewhere else — I don't know where. About two months after the second Mrs. Smith died (November 1908) and was buried in Crown Hill Cemetery, the first Mrs. Smith was removed from her first grave and reburied in the cemetery where lay her successor … and also her grandson; but whether that made any difference to her, I cannot say.

1920 Census.
♦ "Death of a Ross Township Citizen." Hobart Gazette 10 Oct. 1919.
♦ "Local Drifts." Hobart Gazette 6 Nov. 1908; 22 Jan. 1909.
♦ "South of Deepriver." Hobart News 9 Oct. 1919.

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