
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Barn Swallows and Windows (Random Pointless Photos)

Step 1: I get a bright idea. While the adult barn swallows are off catching bugs, I crack open the top window sash, point my camera out and get a pretty clear shot of the chicks poking up out of the nest.

We Are Hungry
(Click on images to enlarge)

Step 2: An adult barn swallow comes back, sees the open window and freaks out, swooping back and forth in front of me and chirping angrily.

Shut that d--- window

Step 3: I shut the window. The barn swallow calms down, backs off.

Step 4: While mother and father feed babies, I take crummy shots through the closed window.

Feeding time 1

Idiot with Camera

Here's a bonus hummingbird.

Hummingbird at feeder


  1. Excellent hummingbird photo! And congratulations on the new additions! We have a pair of dark-eyed juncos nesting in one of my hanging baskets. They like to make their nests in dirt. It is hanging in the shade--I don't think I can get a photo. Of course, they get very upset whenever I can near. . .

  2. Thanks, and congrats to you too! Juncos are little cuties! I see them all winter, but they don't stick around here for the summer.
